UK clearing house equivalence: Trade associations joint letter
BRUSSELS, 16 September 2021 – Nine industry associations (AFME, AIMA, EAPB, EBF, EFAMA, FIA, ICI Global, ISDA, SIFMA AMG) – representing the broadest group of market participants – have written to European Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, respectfully requesting that the European Commission (EC) extend the EC equivalence decision for UK CCPs.
This equivalence decision is set to expire on 30 June 2022, although the associations request the EC to provide clarity as soon as possible and well in advance of March 2022 in order to prevent negative financial, commercial, operational and level playing field effects on EU counterparties and clearing members and to enable continued access to global pools of liquidity after 30 June 2022.
More information:
Pauline Guérin, Senior Policy Adviser, Financing Growth