“The recovery plan turns the immense challenge we face into an opportunity, not only by supporting the recovery but also by investing in our future: the European Green Deal and digitalization will boost jobs and growth, the resilience of our societies and the health of our environment.”

“The capital markets union is a major element of our post-coronavirus recovery strategy. Savers and investors will play a vital role in getting the economy moving again and they need to have the confidence to invest through capital markets. And companies need to be able to access diversified sources of market-based financing anywhere in the EU.”

“Deep capital markets offering diversified sources of funding are essential for the long-term financing of the recovery. Efficient capital markets encourage greater long-term investments in the economy, allow for more rapid recapitalisation of companies, help banks increase their capacity to finance the economy and can support the transformation to more sustainable economic growth.”

EBF Financing Growth Homepage

The European financial system exists for a reason: to meet the needs of European companies, investors and savers and citizens. Wherever they are, whatever their size and type, companies and investors and savers must have access to the financing they need.

In the midst of the Covid 19 crisis and its economic and social consequences, banks and financial markets have a major role to play to support the economic and financial recovery.

Financial Market key function is to intermediate funds from savers and investors towards corporates of all sizes to support their functioning and their transition towards a greener and more digital economy. Banking Finance and financial markets are complementary to achieve the EU’s ambitions of economic growth, sustainability and cohesion. But also, and to reinforce its competitive edge in a global environment. Europe needs a Banking and Capital Markets Union which works at different levels of access – local, regional and pan-European – in a seamless and fully integrated way.

EBF Strategy Group for Financing Sustainable Growth

Understanding the challenges that finance will face in achieving this future, the EBF has established the Steering Committee for Financing Growth acting with a team looking deliberately and in-depth to all the core issues of importance for European banks with a clear mandate to:

  • Ensure that European bank-financing continues to meet the needs of European companies to grow and generate jobs;
  • Increase market-based financing, as a complement to bank finance, to serve economic growth while also providing greater opportunities for banks engaged in capital markets/investment banking business;
  • Increase and diversify opportunities for individuals as users of financial services to invest, whether through banks or markets;
  • Enhance solutions that improve the sustainability of bank- and market-based financing.

Our work in this area is divided into five topics: Primary markets, Post-trading and Secondary markets, as well as Business Finance and Sustainable Finance.










Burçak Inel

Burçak Inel

Director of Financing Sustainable Growth
Denisa Avermaete

Denisa Avermaete

Senior Policy Advisor - Sustainable Finance – Financing Sustainable Growth
Jacopo Borgognone

Jacopo Borgognone

Senior Policy Advisor - Financial Markets - Financing Sustainable Growth
Jānis Priekulis

Jānis Priekulis

Policy Adviser - Financing Sustainable Growth