EBF advisor: Alexandra Maniati
Publication date: 12 November 2018
Cybersecurity is of paramount importance for the banking sector in order to ensure the effective delivery of the Digital Single Market and safeguard the trust of both citizens and companies in digital services.
The European Commission initiative to create a European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre (Competence Centre) and a Network of National Coordination Centres (Network) bringing together national Cybersecurity Competence Communities to increase the competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity industry and turn cybersecurity into a competitive advantage of other European industries is considered by the European Banking Federation (EBF) as a very positive step.
The EBF believes that a European Centre and an EU-wide network relating to cybersecurity skills, technologies and services can play an important part in Europe’s cyber independence and can be a strong lever to help increase the maturity of the IT security market and related users, to the benefit of all sectors of the European economy. The complementarity of the role of the Competence Centre and the Network (stimulate the development and deployment of technology in cybersecurity and complement capacity building efforts at EU and national level) with the work of ENISA (advising on cybersecurity research and innovation), as stated in the Proposal (Legislative Financial Statement, par. 1.5.4), is also appreciated.