Wim Mijs, Chief Executive of the European Banking Federation, talks to EIT Digital CEO Willem Jonker
BRUSSELS, 13 July 2020 – How can the banking sector help to mitigate the impact of the Corona crisis? What is the role – and responsibility – of the European financial sector in boosting entrepreneurship? What impact will the Covid-19 crisis have on the digital transformation of the finance sector? Will it accelerate open banking? And how will incumbent banks, insurers or investment funds react to the pressure of new players pushing on the market? What is the role of the financial sector to address the shortage of digital talent? And how can we strike the right balance between innovation and regulation when it comes to privacy and financial services?
The interview is part of the Makers & Shapers video journey, produced by EIT Digital in the context of its 10-year anniversary, in which 20 top-level decision-makers from industry and EU institutions provide their views on the future digital development of Europe.