EBF advisor: Lucia Pecchini
Publication date: 30 September 2019
General remarks:
The EBF welcomes the possibility to express its views on the Draft Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring. Having a consistent and functioning framework for loan origination and monitoring is key to ensure a stable credit market and financial stability.
As a general remark, we note:
Firstly, the objective of these guidelines is to support the creation of a single rule book and to promote convergence and a level playing field. This is in line with the rule that guidelines of the European supervisory authorities are meant to support harmonized interpretation and application of EU law. They are not meant to amend it or to add new requirements. However, many of the requirements in the current version of the guidelines, go beyond existing legal texts and the harmonisation/clarification mandate of the guidelines. Any changes to existing legislative frameworks should be subject to the codecision process. Also, given the breadth of application and implications of these guidelines, the consultation period is considered as not proportionate, nor timely. Many of the underlying L1 texts (e.g. Consumer Credit Directive, Mortgage Credit Directive) are currently undergoing an evaluation exercise by the European Commission which can lead to a review of the text via codecision procedure. This means that within a short time frame, new legislation could regulate the very same topics covered by the guidelines. Some other topics addressed in the guidelines are currently under negotiation (e.g. sustainable taxonomy) and will be applicable after the proposed date for entry into force of the guidelines.