EBF financial education initiative recognized as Best Trade Body Campaign 2018
- Public Affairs Awards Europe 2018 celebrated in Brussels
- European Money Quiz 2018 was nominated for two awards
BRUSSELS, 22 November 2018 — The European Money Quiz, a financial education initiative by national banking associations in Europe under coordination by the European Banking Federation, on Wednesday was recognized as the best 2018 Trade Body Campaign in Europe in the Brussels awards ceremony hosted by the UK-based Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA). A jury consisting of European public affairs professionals praised the European Money Quiz as a project that managed to make a significant impact on a relatively low budget.
More than 41.000 kids in the 13-15 year-0ld age group this year took part in the European Money Quiz by playing the online quiz with their classroom in national finals organized by banking associations across Europe. National winners from 25 countries travelled to Brussels in May to compete against each other in the European finals, hosted at the meeting centre of the EBF in Brussels.
VIDEO: European Money Quiz Finals in Brussels:
National finals were held during March and April and organized by the participating national banking associations. In most countries classrooms countries played directly against each other through a live online quiz via the Kahoot! online learning platform. The list of countries represented in the finals included Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Questions in the money quiz were available in 22 different languages. Kids competing in the European finals also answered the same questions in their own language.
Special collaboration
To promote the quiz among educators and schools national banking associations were able to draw on materials developed by the European Banking Federation and its Financial Education Project Group, together with Brussels-based consultancy Cambre Associates. The toolkit included sample questions, practice quizzes, teacher instructions as well as a videos, infographics and other materials that were all available to national coordinators in the language of their country. The European Money Quiz also was nominated for the award for best in-house collaboration in public affairs, recognizing the special aspects of the partnership with Cambre Associates.
A special partnership with Kahoot!, the Norway-based online quiz platforms used in millions of classrooms worldwide, was instrumental for the success of the European Money Quiz. For each of the national finals Kahoot! hosted a live-stream via YouTube with questions appearing directly on smart-boards or displays in classrooms in the country. Answers were given directly online, allowing each classroom to see how well it compete against others in their country as soon as the quiz ended. The winners won a trip to Brussels for two students to participate in the European finals. The 2018 European Money Quiz final was won by the team from Poland, with Ireland and Germany taking 2nd and 3rd place.
Each team was able to answer a total of 30 financial literacy questions in their native language. The questions were available in 22 different languages and addressed topics such as savings, debt, investments, compound interest, inflation and also cyber-security.
Practice quizzes
To help students prepare for the quiz the organising banking associations had created practice quizzes. These are designed to help students test their skills and insights and determine their readiness to manage personal finances. Teachers can also use these ‘Kahoots!’ as a fun element in financial literacy classes. Since January more than 190.000 practice quizzes have been played. The practices quizzes are available at www.europeanmoneyquiz.eu and via the various national websites for the European Money Quiz.
Preparations are underway for the 2019 European Money Quiz. Most national finals are expected to be played during European Money Week, which starts on Monday 25 March. The European finals in 2019 are planned for 6-7 May in Brussels.