Liquidity Coverage Ratio:
EBF advisor: Timothy Buenker
Publication date: 21 February 2018
The European Banking Federation takes the opportunity to share its comments on the European Commission Draft Delegated Act amending the Delegated Regulation on the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (‘LCR’) currently being consulted on by the European Commission.
We would like to bring to the Commission’s attention a matter linked to the treatment of Simple, Transparent and Standardised (STSs) securitisations (see Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 creating a specific framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation).
In our opinion, the Commission’s initiative to amend the Delegated Regulation on the Liquidity Coverage Ratio should be used to get a better liquidity treatment (Level 2A) for the STSs as long as such transactions meet the additional criteria laid down in Article 13.
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