EBF Taxonomy documents
- EBF on the EU Platform’s Preliminary Recommendations for Technical Screening Criteria for the EU Taxonomy
- Draft Report of the Platform on Sustainable Finance on a Social Taxonomy: EBF response
- Draft Report on Taxonomy Extension Options linked to Environmental Objectives: EBF response
- European Commission Taxonomy Article 8 Delegated Act: EBF response
- Proposals for recognition of transition finance in the EU legislation: EBF response
- EBF-UNEP FI report outlines a path for the application of EU Taxonomy to core banking services
- EBF feedback on the draft Taxonomy Delegated Act
- European banks support EU priorities in Sustainable Finance: EBF Press Release
- High-level recommendations on the voluntary application of the EU taxonomy to core banking products
- TEG report on Taxonomy: EBF comments
- Climate change mitigation activities: EBF responds to the TEG Taxonomy consulation
- Usability of the taxonomy: EBF responds to European Commission’s TEG consultation
- Taxonomy: EBF responds to the EP draft report
- EBF supports Commission framework to facilitate sustainable investment
- Sustainable Finance: Banks urge clarity in EU Action Plan
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